Our method empowers leaders to embrace difficult conversations, foster true connection and solve important problems.

We are creating new paradigm for winning in business that is anchored in relational health.

What is Relational Leadership and how does it work?

Relational Leadership is a transformative approach to leading people and creating impact in the world.

The core practice is focused on a sequential 6-step process that helps individuals to embrace difficult conversations and take full responsibility for the quality of their relationships.

It is based on the belief that our ability to create and cultivate healthy relationships is the single most important skill for a leaders’ internal wellbeing and external success. It is the force multiplier for personal growth and operating at our peak performance.

The Institute for Relational Leadership (IRL for short) was created to train executives and teams in the core skills of Relational Leadership.

Our practical approach equips team with a unified language to communicate, resolve conflict and collaborate effectively. It provides individuals and teams with the people-centric leadership skills they need to amplify bottom-line productivity and performance.

We support the organizational world through executive coaching, transformational workshops and online training.

The core skills of Relational Leadership


Our mentors at the Conscious Leadership Group taught us that most of issues we face have more to do with our context, than content. Context is all about the unconscious thoughts and feelings that interfere with our ability to engage with issues effectively. When we integrate our context, we cultivate flow and transform our ability to solve problems and make aligned decisions.

Meaningful Conversation

Every important relationship starts and deepens the same way, a conversation. Our proprietary Social Flow framework empowers people to create meaningful conversation and connection wherever they go. All based on four simple principles; intentionality, curiosity, authenticity and presence.


Helping leaders to create the context for creativity, innovation, and constructive feedback. Streamline your meetings and create the space where people can freely share their ideas and support each other.


Confidence is the practice of living our values, honoring our agreements and telling the truth. We help people to do all three and exude the executive presence that earns loyal followers and captivates audience.

Conflict Resolution

When managed intentionally, conflict is one of the most valuable tools we have for cultivating deeper understanding and connection in our relationships. We help leaders to embrace conflict as a conduit for meaningful action that drives progress.

Authentic Influence

We train leaders to be “3C” communicators; clear, concise and compelling when it matters most. This is how we cultivate influence and inspire others to action. We help leaders to articulate the value of their ideas so that they can win buy-in and earn respect when they have peoples attention.

Learn to create the rituals and events that build community and foster a sense of belonging. The single most impactful driver of discretionary effort at work is relationships. Be a catalyst for meaningful connection that helps people to feel good and do their best work.

Culture and connection


Meet Andrew Horn, Founder of IRL.

Forbes describes him as the “Dale Carnegie of the Digital Age.” From a young age, Andrew has been helping people to communicate effectively, connect deeply, and create things that matter.

Before IRL, Andrew was the co-founder and CEO of Tribute.co, a platform with 6,000,000+ users that The New Yorker hails as “Hallmark 2.0.” The business was recently ranked #256 on the INC500 list of the fastest-growing companies in the country.

Andrew also started an award-winning, non-profit for young people with disabilities called Dreams for Kids DC.

Andrew has been supporting entrepreneurs and executives and as a leadership coach since 2017. He has trained in Conscious Leadership, Gestalt Communication, and The Handel Method. People like Justin Mcleod (Hinge), Blake Mycoskie (Toms Shoes), and Neil Parikh (Casper).

Andrew has been featured on TED.com, and frequently speaks for Fortune 500 companies (MasterCard, Tapestry, and Google) and top-tier conferences (Summit Series, Conscious Capitalism Summit) on Social Flow, Relational Leadership, and how to win buy-in for your priority projects. He is a proud papa to Hiro, madly in love with his partner Melissa and spends his summers surfing in Costa Rica.

“Feeling connected is one of the greatest predictors of long-term health. Andrew shows us how to create meaningful relationships with others and models it himself.”

Mark Hyman - Celebrity physician, 13-time NYT bestseller, and podcast host

“Andrew is modeling a type of communication leadership that our world desperately needs right now.”

John Mackey, Founder of Whole Foods

“Andrew embodies a deep desire for community building. We can all benefit by being guided by his wisdom and magic to find more connection and happiness in life.”

Lavinia Errico - Co-Founder - Equinox Gyms

Why we do what we do

The organizational world is in need of bottom line people skills that transform the way we relate to others and lead. The context of work is changing faster than ever with automation and the virtual workplace.

On top of that, the world is in the midst of a connection crisis. Junder half of all Millenials and Gen Z’ers, “the connected generation,” identify as lonely (CIGNA). In a recent meta-analysis of 400,000 people in the General Social Survey, the most common answer to the question “How many close friends do you have?” was ZERO

The one constant is the need for strong inter-personal skills to lead effectively. But don’t just take our word for it…

  • A survey conducted by Workforce Solutions Group revealed that over 60% of employers say that applicants are not demonstrating sufficient communication and interpersonal skills.

  • The annual global Talent Shortage Survey from Manpower Group found that 20% of employers worldwide struggle to fill positions because they can’t find people with soft skills.

  • A 20-year Stanford study found the most consistent factor that could predict their students’ long-term success was “verbal fluency”, which is the ability to sell themselves, their services, and their ideas to others.

As we learn to communicate, resolves conflict, and collaborate, our overall performance and personal satisfaction at work.


All meaningful relationships begin the same way, with a simple conversation. Say hello and let’s see how we can help.